
Hosemann wants to reorganize state government

Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann wants his Senate to develop a plan to reorganize state government. Hosemann and Sen. ...


Our view: Meridian’s natural areas deserve to be celebrated

Community members celebrated earlier this week as Bonita Lakes Watershed became the second site in Mississippi to host ...


Our view: recognize the signs of domestic violence

October is recognized nationally as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Domestic violence is a problem everywhere, including Lauderdale and ...


Federal elections in Mississippi unlikely to produce any significant political surprises

STARKVILLE – Mississippians will go to the polls on Tuesday, Nov. 5, to cast their ballots in the ...


MDOT still needs recurring revenues

Legislators are once again considering MDOT’s request for a recurring stream of revenues to repair roads and bridges. ...


Our view: winter weather brings need for more assistance

Crisp morning air and light frost on windshields the past few mornings have hinted that the end of ...


Low labor force participation and low childcare access linked

Mississippi had the nation’s worst state economy based on 2023 data, according to CNBC. Factors CNBC considered included ...


Our view: infrastructure investment heyday nears its end

The days are getting shorter, the mornings colder, and leaves are beginning to wage their annual war against ...


Election-year rhetoric on U.S. crime doesn’t exactly match the numbers in crime data

STARKVILLE – On the stump and in the presidential campaign ad wars, crime remains a hot topic, but ...


Buyer beware during Medicare enrollment period

And so it begins again, the annual deluge of advertising for private Medicare Advantage plans (also known as ...

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