Volunteers needed to help build Jeannie’s Place at Planet Playground in Meridian
Published 3:00 pm Monday, February 11, 2019
- Whitney Downard / The Meridian StarCity of Meridian work crews prepare the site of the future Jeannie's Place at Planet Playground, a park that will be accessible to children of all abilities.
Volunteers are being sought to help build Jeannie’s Place at Planet Playground in Meridian. The new all-inclusive playground, located at the Northeast Recreation Park, will be accessible to all children in the community.
The inspiration for the project is 14-year-old Jeannie Null, who uses a wheelchair to get around.
On Monday, the first shipments of the playground arrived and city workers hauled dirt to even out and raise the level of the park for stabliity.
Volunteers are needed for many phases of project, and are encouraged to participate during Build Week Feb. 18-24. During this week, organizers will need roughly 3,000 volunteers to help complete the project. Volunteers can, but aren’t required to, work a full day’s shift.
Skilled workers are also being sought to act as group leaders. Core groups are responsible for being at the site each day at 7 a.m. and must be at the core build week meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 17.
Anyone over the age of 14 can volunteer; however, volunteers must be 17 to operate power tools. Large high school or youth groups are encouraged to break their participation into two shifts. Volunteers must wear proper clothing, such as closed-toed shoes and protective eye wear.
To volunteer, email jeanniesplacevolunteer@gmail.