Worship Site Profile: Mt. Gilead Baptist Church

Published 12:50 pm Friday, May 19, 2017

Situated atop a hill in the southeastern part of Lauderdale County lies Mt. Gilead Baptist Church.

The church was founded July 28, 1847, by a few scattered Baptists from East Lauderdale County who pledged to promote the cause of Christ’s kingdom on Earth by supporting the church and its ministry and to do all things in their power to support the church. It was also decided the church would be called Mt. Gilead Baptist Church.

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On Saturday, August 28, 1847, the first service of the Mt. Gilead Baptist Church was held. The people assembled for worship in a meeting house which was close to the present church building – the original church was constructed of pine logs. The first pastor was Benjamin Willis.

In 1884 it was voted to build a larger and better church. A new church was built in January 1886. In 1918 and 1919 the work began to form the Baptist Training Union for the church. It was organized for the purpose of training young men and women as leaders of the church.

In January 1941 Miss Nannie David a devout Christian came out and helped organize our Sunday School in the home of Mr. Howard Ross.

In 1945 our Sunday School had grown so much that two Sunday School rooms were added to the church. With continued growth in 1946 three more rooms were added.

Oct. 10, 1962, it was voted to build a new church. The first service was held Dec. 1, 1963. Over the history of the church, there have been some 40 pastors.

Mt. Gilead Baptist Church has never disbanded but has kept its identity. It has never changed its name and in the history of the church a large majority of the members, leaders, and officers have been and are at the present time descendants of the loyal and devout Baptist pioneers who founded Mt. Gilead Baptist Church in 1847.

About the church:

Name: Mt. Gilead Baptist Church.

Pastor: Dr. Marus Finch.

Minister of Music: April Shelton.

Denomination: Southern Baptist.

Founded: July 28, 1847.

Address: 3456 KOA Campground Road, Meridian, MS 39301.

Members: We currently minister to an average of 60 to 75 weekly.

Contact info: mtgilead1847@aol.com 601-632-4752.

Service Times:


Sunday School and Bible Study – 9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Morning Worship Service – 10:30 a.m. Noon.

Children: GA’s, RA’s – 5 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.

Worship Service – 5:45 p.m. to 7 p.m.


Bible Study and prayer service – 6-7 p.m.

Special upcoming events:

Homecoming Sunday, May 21, with Bro. Jim Rickles, as guest preacher. Karla Cloutier, guest worship leader. There will be a special offering for the cemetery fund. Dinner on the grounds after morning worship.

Vacation Bible School week of July 24-28 – 6 p.m.-8:30 p.m.

Annual events special to our church:

Graduation celebration second Sunday in May.

Homecoming third Sunday in May.

Fall Festival in October.

Breast Cancer Awareness Sunday in October.

Thanksgiving Fellowship in November.

Sunday night church fellowship with finger foods every fifth Sunday.

Cheryl Owens coordinates Worship Site Profile, which appears Saturdays in The Meridian Star. Recommend your site to cowens@themeridianstar.com.