From the Shepherd’s Heart: When faced with conflict, trust in God

“The women who had come with him from Galilee followed and saw the tomb and how his body was laid. Then they returned and prepared spices and ointments. On the Sabbath they rested according to the commandments.” Luke 23:55-56

Sometimes, we face conflict between what we desire to do, and what we ought to do. Such was the case for the women who accompanied Jesus from Galilee to Jerusalem. They had come with Jesus to observe Passover.

In their travel, they were bound to have heard ominous predictions Jesus made concerning His suffering and death. Now, all his predictions have come to reality. For most of his ministry, these women had been the source of much help. Now, in his death, they continued to desire to show their love and support for Him.

But, there is another conflict they face. When do you follow your heart, and when do you follow the religious rules?

Emotionally, the women wanted to show dignity and respect to Jesus because of His importance in their lives. Each one could tell of ministry they had received, lessons they had learned, and joy they missed in His death. They believed He was the Messiah! They saw Jesus as their hope for a better future. Now all was dashed by the cruelty of those who opposed Him. The quick burial did not do justice to the care for a dead body. They wished to do more.

Legally, the women wanted to keep the Sabbath holy. Sabbath was a day of rest. There were strict limits on what a person could do. One could only walk so far. No business could be conducted. Women could not even cook meals on the sabbath. Much of what women were taught about their religion centered on proper conduct and limits of Sabbath activity.

With Sabbath beginning at sunset, the women needed to make a decision. Do they break the law to show love, or, do they observe the sabbath by withholding the honor of the dead?

There are times when keeping rules seems cold. There are other times that responding from our feelings makes what is “proper” seem arbitrary. But, notice how the women resolved the dilemma.

They prepared spices and ointments as they could before the Sabbath. With this action, they make honor their priority. But, when the Sabbath began, they rested. With this action they are accepting the commandment of God to observe the Sabbath as important to be kept.

Proverbs 3:5-6 reads, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your path.” The women who followed Jesus followed this popular proverb. Their priority was trusting God, not trusting heart. Our heart can warp our understanding about life. But, faith that leads to trusting obedience will find the proper time for everything that needs to be done.

If you find yourself in a conflict on head and heart, let God be your guide. He is the only one that can see every aspect of what you face. When you decide to obey Him, everything else you need to do will find its time and place.

Bro. John A. Temple is pastor of Poplar Springs Drive Baptist Church, 4032 Poplar Springs Drive, Meridian. Visit the church website at