From the Shepherd’s Heart: Give God time
“Then the Lord appeared to Abram and said, “To your offspring I will give this land.” Genesis 12:7
God’s will and God’s timing are two different issues. Many times our impatience interferes with our trust in God’s plans. We beg and bargain with God trying to get the answer we want. If God doesn’t come through, we decide to solve our issues without Him. Such was the case with Abram.
Abram made a bold expression of trust in God when he left his family and culture to settle in some unknown place that God had promised. Abram was told if he would trust God and follow Him, he would be blessed. He is told all the families of the earth will be blessed and his offspring will inherit the land.
There is only one problem. Abram had no children. His closest family member was Lot, his nephew. Other relatives from distant places existed, but in reality, Abram was yet to see how God’s promises could ever happen. Over the years, God’s promises were restated as God continued to encourage Abram’s faith. Abram became rich and blessed, but one thing was missing; a child.
Have you ever felt disillusioned because God is working on a timetable different than yours? Do you spend your time focusing on what is missing instead of on the blessings in your life? Do you describe your glass as half empty instead of half full? Are you thinking that you may need to take the issue in your hands and help God do what you think is your rightful due?
Abram and his wife decided to solve their problem. Sarai decided to allow Abram to have a child by Hagar, Sarai’s handmaid. They assumed this was the solution to the emptiness they felt God allowed. In a few months, there was the sound of a baby in the camp. One would think peace would be realized. Instead, deep issues of conflict developed in the family and what was meant to cause peace caused hard feelings and unsolvable problems.
In God’s time, His solution to the needs of Abram and his wife came in another child that miraculously comes from Sarai who is beyond normal childbirth years. This tremendous blessing was given but could have been enjoyed so much more if Abram and Sarai had realized that God works on His timetable, not ours.
Many years later, the ultimate expression of faith is seen in Jesus. He not only lived to please the Heavenly Father, he lived to be submissive to the perfect timing of God’s will. Many times, His family and disciples were pushing for Him to perform without reference to God’s plan. At each point, Jesus said, “My time has not yet come.” Yet when time was right, Jesus went voluntarily to Jerusalem to accomplish his ultimate submission by becoming the sacrifice for the sins of mankind. His complete submission to God’s plan completed His purpose and maximized His impact on life.
If you read this devotion today, frustrated with God’s timing, realize the damage moving on your own will cause. God loves you and wants what is best. You can trust Him. Be patient. Be calm. When the time is right, it will all make sense.
Dr. John A. Temple is pastor of Poplar Springs Drive Baptist Church, located at 4032 Poplar Springs Drive in Meridian. Visit the church website online at