Behind the Badge: Joseph Jones, conservation officer

Name: Joseph Jones

Age: 24

Job Title/Department: Conservation Officer Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks.

Years as a conservation officer? 2 years.

Why did you choose to become a conservation officer? I enjoy working in the outdoors and working with people so a career as a conservation officer was a good fit.

Do you have any family members in the field? No.

What has been your most gratifying experience as a conservation officer? Educating and interacting with our next generation of conservationists is always rewarding. I also enjoy search and rescues where I am able to find someone safe and reunite them with their family.

Would you encourage one of your children to pursue a career as a conservation officer? If that is what they truly wanted to do then yes I would support them.

What would you have done if you had not become a conservation officer? I would have pursued another area of law enforcement, but becoming a conservation officer was always my goal.

When not working, what are your interests? I enjoy spending time with my family and friends as well as hunting and fishing.

Tell us something about you people would be surprised to learn? I am an amateur wood turner in my off time and enjoy creating different things out of wood.