Alabama appoints new state forester

The Alabama Forestry Commission selected Rick Oates as the new state forester for Alabama at their meeting Monday in Montgomery.

Oates, who begins his duties April 10, replaces Gary M. Cole, who has been interim forester since October, according to a news release. Oates’ appointment was confirmed by Gov. Robert Bentley. 

Oates, 49, served as forestry division director at the Alabama Farmers Federation, where he was also executive director of the Alabama TREASURE Forest Association and director of the organization’s catfish and wildlife divisions, according to the news release. He previously served as chief of staff for the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries Commissioner and has held several positions with the Alabama Forestry Association.

Oates will oversee 232 employees whose mission is to protect and sustain Alabama’s forest resources, according to the news release. The Commission has an annual budget of approximately $22 million.

“Our state is blessed with more than 23 million acres of timberland, and about 87 percent belongs to private landowners,” Oates said in a statement. “Alabama forests are an economic engine providing hundreds of thousands of jobs in our state. They provide endless recreational opportunities for hunters and outdoorsmen and are a renewable natural resource.”

A native of Corpus Christi, Texas, Oates received a bachelor’s degree in natural resources from The University of the South in Sewanee, Tenn., and a master’s degree in forestry from Auburn University.

For more information about the Alabama Forestry Commission, visit