C Spire announces enhancements in Lauderdale, Neshoba counties

C Spire continues to invest in wireless enhancements in the Lauderdale and Neshoba County areas, with a focus on increasing its network capacity and coverage in these areas.   

“Wireless data usage has continued to grow at an enormous rate. The average wireless subscriber is using more data, and this is being fueled primarily by increased viewing of video content,” Alan Jones, Chief Network Officer for C Spire said in a news release. He added, “Increasing our network capacity and keeping up with the needs of our customers is very important to C Spire.”

C Spire recently completed network enhancement efforts to cell sites in Philadelphia- Hwy 21 / Northbend area, Bailey community, Hwy 19 – Whynot community, Neshoba County Fair area, Center Hill community, Laurel Wood Center, Northwood Country Club, Meridian Central, Kings Road, Lauderdale, North Collinsville and Meridian Moseby