Highland Baptist Pastor White retires after 36 years in ministry
Pastor Carl White celebrated his last Sunday in the pulpit of Highland Baptist Church, Meridian, on July 30, retiring after 36 years of pastoral ministry. He was called as pastor of Highland in June of 2000.
“It’s been a blessing to have had Brother Carl for our pastor all these years,” said longtime church member and deacon Britt McCarty. “He has really typified the role of being a pastor because he really cares for people and genuinely loves them.
“He meant a lot to myself and my family during his time at Highland and we are excited for him as he enters this new stage of life – the retirement, and know God will continue to use him and bless he and his family as he enters this next stage of life.”
Highland’s Minister of Music Franklin Denham said sharing the leadership role of the people in worship with Brother Carl for 17 years has been a delight for him musically and ministerially.
“He has been by far the most encouraging and most supportive pastor I have ever worked with in my 47 years of experience,” Denham said.
Denham said some things people may not know about Brother Carl – he’s an excellent drummer and can play other percussion instruments.
“When he first came to Highland my regular drummer had moved to Texas and one day I heard someone playing the drums, and it was Brother Carl sitting at the drums jamming,” Denham said. “Since that day he has played the drums or another percussion.
“He also sings well and is an excellent writer.”
“Brother Carl has been faithful in sharing and proclaiming the truth and word of the Lord, and we are thankful for that, and we know God will continue and work in that way,” McCarty said. “We are excited that God has definitely got plans for Highland and we are excited about that.”
White is a graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi and received both a masters degree and doctorate from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.
The previous pastorate includes the First Baptist Church of Sumner; Ingomar Baptist Church in Union County; and Clarksdale Baptist Church of Clarksdale. He also served four years as the associate editor of The Baptist Record, the official news journal of the Mississippi Baptist Convention. He is published through several denominational agencies and preaching journals.
Pastor White served for six years on the board of The Care Lodge, including one year as chairman. He served for 12 years on the board of Blue Mountain College, including two years as chairman. White serves on the Board of Trustees of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.
While at Highland, he led in the establishment of a successful internship program to help mentor young ministers. The church also achieved record levels of mission support and was recognized as one of the top 200 churches in the Southern Baptist Convention in financial support of missions.
Under his leadership, the church organized a mission sending structure called The Go Team, which collects funds and directs them through grants to individuals and groups from Highland to do mission work around the world. Mission work has been done in places like Cuba, Romania, the Dominican Republic, Madagascar, Mexico, Nicaragua and Peru. For six years teams from Highland have traveled to Haiti to conducted medical and dental clinics and build houses.
In addition teams from Highland have helped renovate housing for needy people, build a Habitat for Humanity House, repair and renovate church properties in the state, and partner in a new church plant in Maryland.
Also, over the past few years more thean $3 million dollars in renovations to the church plant at Highland were completed, representing the church’s renewed commitment to the community.
White and his wife of nearly 40 years, Frances, will remain in the Meridian area. He is available to churches for revivals, conferences, and pulpit supply and to serve as an interim pastor. He can be reached at (601) 453-2614 or at cwhite3259@icloud.com.
He has a blog post at www.heartthome.com.