ANNE MCKEE: She stood near the gates…

Published 3:15 pm Wednesday, January 20, 2021

She stood near the gates and watched.

She gazed upon each illuminated, raptured, spirit-filled countenance.

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One by one they passed through the Pearly Gates in to eternity and then,

she saw him, arms outstretched, happy tears on his face.

Finally reunited with her boy, they locked arms and followed the others, never to suffer again.

I wrote this short poem earlier this week for the ones we have lost. 2020 was an overwhelmingly harsh year. Each one reading my column today has lost someone, perhaps not to COVID, but a loss, nevertheless.

In my poem a mother searches for her son and finally he arrives to join her beyond the Pearly Gates. It is a vision of what we as Christians believe that when we arrive to Heaven, our love ones will be there to welcome us in to eternity.

What a comfort.

I wrote this week what my hearts tells me is really important. Where do we go from here? We know by the validation of scripture and God’s Holy Word, we are pilgrims “passing through” this life. Yes, it is a great mystery but by our faith, we are comforted.

In my mind is the vision of our mama’s waiting and watching at the Pearly Gates, no better comfort.

I know it is not like this, really I do, but I think of our mama’s “talking us up” in Heaven. You know sort of bragging. She might say with a big grin, “Wait till you meet my boy, so handsome and good, he’s a good boy, always loved his mama and took care of the family.”

So she stands near the gates, watching …

But in the meantime, we must finish our “tour” on earth and it won’t be easy. However, we must live the best lives possible, honest and true, good and kind. Yes,we must be compassionate to each other and as well, we must tolerate politics. That’s right, tolerate.

As I write today, the TV is blasting. It is Inauguration Day and I had to take a break. It was when Lady Gaga sashayed-in with the billowing, fire-engine-red skirt and some kind of doodle hat perched on her head and if that wasn’t enough, she belted out, “Oh-h-h say can you see?” I could see alright. It was the National Anthem, for Pete’s Sake and she was dressed for a Halloween Party.

But then, J-Lo arrived wearing a somewhat demure white ensemble. Her rendition of “This Land is Your Land,” was nice and more low-keyed but I will be the first to admit Lady Gaga has a killer voice, but good grief, just too dramatic with the attire.

As President Biden might say, “Come on, man!”

Next was Garth Brooks and his presentation was without accompaniment, classy.

I’m certain President Biden is concerned pertaining to my critique.

If not, then next time, he should call me.

But let me say, we must support President Biden, perhaps we do not totally agree, but support is necessary. It is the American thing to do. I hope he’s a good man, a committed Catholic and I think he is.

His heart has been broken by the deaths of his wife and two children, and as a mother, who lost her son two years ago, I can testify that once a heart is broken, you will find solace, somewhere, somehow.

One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else’s survival guide. – Brene Brown

So on this 2021 Inauguration Day, let us give President Biden a chance to make the world a better place. We know this is not the final chapter and as Believers also know there is a Heavenly place for us, where mama stands, watching, near the gates.

Anne B McKee is a Mississippi historian, writer and storyteller. She is listed on the Mississippi Humanities Speakers Bureau and Mississippi Arts Commission’s Performing Artist and Teaching Artist Rosters. See her web site: