Meridian to host Household Hazardous Waste Day

Published 10:30 am Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Meridian residents will have an opportunity to dispose of their old paints, solvents, oil and tires as the City of Meridian looks to host its household hazardous waste day on Saturday.

Funded by a grant through the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, household hazardous waste day provides a safe and legal means of disposal for waste that cannot be put out with the normal garbage. Items include things such as batteries, antifreeze, aerosol cans, drain opener, pesticides, cell phones and batteries, paint thinners and more.

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Shandrick Glass, contract compliance officer for the city’s solid waste contract, said he wants to encourage residents to take advantage of the event to rid themselves of hazardous materials.

“Just try to come out to support the best you can,” he said.

A pet peeve, Glass said, is the not infrequent site of old tires dumped on the side of the road. Each Meridian resident will be allowed to bring up to 10 tires to the household hazardous waste collection sites, he said, and this is a perfect opportunity to properly dispose of them.

Collection sites will be open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Public Works Complex, 311 27th Avenue South, and the North Hills Shopping Center, 4531 35th Avenue.

Saturday’s event is intended for Meridian residents only, Glass said, and county residents are not eligible to participate.

For more information about the household hazardous waste day or what can be brought to the collection sites, call 601-485-1970 or 601-485-1990.