Star of The Week: Diana Glover
Published 6:00 am Monday, November 15, 2010
- Star of The Week: Diana Glover
When Muskeogon, Mich., resident Diana Glover relocated to the Meridian area last year with her husband, Billy, she was anxious to find a job where she could make a difference in her new community.
Passionate about volunteerism, Glover found the best of both worlds when she was appointed director of the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) of Meridian and Lauderdale County.
“Volunteers certainly make a difference in every community,” she said.
She should know. Glover has a long history of volunteering for a number of organizations, including Big Brother/Big Sister, Special Olympics, AngelWorx, The Salvation Army, food pantries and RSVP.
As director of the local RSVP, Glover said her goal is to recruit new volunteers to keep the program strong and to introduce new outreach programs to increase volunteer opportunities throughout Lauderdale County.
“I hope to introduce the talents of senior volunteers to the younger generation, beginning with The Girl Scouts. We are just starting a quilting club so the younger generation can interact with and learn from the seniors,” she said.
Her association with the local RSVP affiliate has been both exciting and rewarding.
“They (volunteers) have welcomed me to the community and to my new position,” she said. “Working with my administrative assistant, Nora Irby, has been a very warm experience.”
Glover previously worked as a state liaison for The Salvation Army in Indiana. She received her master of business administration degree in 2009 from Colorado Technical University.
Her move to The South was prompted by her husband’s retirement.
“Billy was born and raised in Meridian. He came back to the Meridian area to retire with his brother, Joel, and to get away from the brutal Michigan winters,” she said.
Since assuming duties as director of the local RSVP affiliate, Glover has been unable to volunteer for any other organization. However, she will have her first opportunity Wednesday when she is “arrested” as a participant of the Muscular Dystrophy Association’s annual Lock-Up. During the event, local business and community leaders agree to be “arrested” for having a “big heart.” The community-wide event raises funds to benefit comedian-actor Jerry Lewis’ Jerry’s Kids.
“I will be calling on friends and family to ‘raise bail,'” she said.
In addition to volunteering, Glover’s hobbies include writing poetry, crafts, cooking and gardening.
Although she had visited Meridian several times before her move, Glover said she has had to make some adjustments – particularly to the summer heat. Ironically, it is the warmth of The South that she loves most.
“I love the Southern charm and friendly atmosphere; it is very warm and inviting,” she said. “I think what caught my attention about Billy was his Southern accent and his Southern charm and warmth.”
The couple have been married six years.
“I married Billy in 2004, after my first husband of 36 years passed away in 2002. I have two biological children and one adopted child – all adults – and four grandchildren,” she said. “My husband, Billy, has four children, three step-children, and several grandchildren, also all adults.”