Meridian Community College students head back to campus

Published 5:01 pm Friday, August 10, 2018

Students at Meridian Community College lined up with excitement Friday, waiting to get their pictures taken and picking up their room keys.  

The college welcomed new and returning students, and members of the Fellowship of Christian Athletics and Bible Student Union helped many with their move in efforts.

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Students moving into one dorm can expect a change. Male students will be living in the newly-opened Elliott Hall, a 28,400-square-foot residential hall that holds 96 beds.  

Calvin Bennett, the college’s director of residence life, said the school has seen an increase in students who want to live on campus.

The process of building a new dorm took seven years. Bennett said it was a way to move the male dorm closer to main campus. Currently, there are three dorms, two for male students and an apartment style building for women. 

The college’s fall semester classes begin Monday, Aug. 13.