Katelyn Lee of Bailey on the ballot for Mississippi’s 3rd Congressional District
Published 5:30 pm Friday, March 6, 2020
- Katelyn Lee
Katelyn Lee was in the voting booth last November when she noticed several uncontested races on the ballot.
“That was very similar to the previous election I voted in, so it’s a pattern that we’ve been seeing in American politics over time and it’s a sign of a weak democracy because we don’t have enough participation,” she said.
After trying to find someone else to run, she decided join the race for Mississippi’s 3rd Congressional District as a Democratic candidate.
Lee, 26, of Bailey, graduated from the University of Mississippi in 2017 and has been pursuing a degree in social work.
If elected, her priorities would include ensuring access to fresh food and affordable housing and implementing universal healthcare.
“I’d like to see mobile farmer’s markets and co-ops come to the area so that people don’t have to go far to get that fresh food, so that it is affordable, grown locally, so you cut down on transportation costs,” she said.
She is also calling for free public education.
“That’s been a big ticket issue this election … If we don’t make access to that equitable, then we’re setting up only a percentage of the population for success.”
Lee is on the Democratic ballot, where she will face Dorothy ‘Dot’ Benford.
Incumbent U.S. Rep. Michael Guest and James Tulp are on the Republican ballot.
Mississippi’s primary election will be held on Tuesday, March 10.