How do you cook a turkey?

Published 11:00 am Wednesday, November 23, 2022

 Here’s a look at how the kids at Central United Methodist Church’s pre-school classes answered the question: “How do you cook a turkey?”

• Ellie Heart: Ingredients: turkey, flour, bread, chicken, broccoli, icing, peas, grilled cheese. Directions: stir it up, cook it. It’s done when it’s hot and the oven beeps. Cooking time: 5 minutes. Oven temperature: 900 degrees.

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• Bennett: Ingredients: turkey, pepper, salt, apple sauce, oranges, broccoli, peas, strawberries. Directions: Mix it up. Cook it and stuff. Cooking time: 2 hours. Oven temperature: 200 degrees.

• Sawyer: Ingredients: turkey, peas, oranges, lemons, peas, broccoli, bread, carrots. Directions: put ingredients in a bowl. Mix it up, and put in a pan. Cook it. It’s ready when it’s hot. Cooking time: 14 minutes. Oven temperature: 900 degrees.

• Lainey: Ingredients: turkey, sandwich, lemon, chicken, peas, doughnut, grapes. Directions: Put it in a pan. Roll it. Put it in the oven. The timer beeps and the food is hot. That’s how you know it’s ready. Cooking time: 1 hour. Oven temperature: 200 degrees.

• Tyler Gray: Ingredients: turkey, chicken, strawberries, oranges, bread, doughnuts, grapes, icing. Directions: put it in a pan and cook it. Check the time, the oven beeps when it is ready. Cooking time: 5 hours. Oven temperature: 600 degrees.

• Niyara: Ingredients: turkey, ice cream, pears, chips, corn, pizza, bread, graham crackers. Directions: mix ingredients. Make some tea. Cook turkey in oven. Cooking time: 3 hours. Oven temperature: 500 degrees.

• Archer: Ingredients: turkey, grapes, celery, broccoli, peas, hotdog, bread, doughnut. Directions: Mix it up and cook it. Take it out. Timer beeps, it’s done when hot. Cooking time: 5 hours. Oven temperature: 900 degrees.

• Lex: Ingredients: pepper, sugar, chocolate, mint. Directions: Do not mix. Just eat. Put in oven. Cooking time: 2 minutes.

• Eric: Ingredients: bacon. Directions: Put it on turkey; put in oven. Cooking time: 1 minute; oven temperature: 2.

• John M.: I don’t like turkey.

• Asher: Ingredients: spaghetti, salad, watermelon, cookies. Directions: Put it on the turkey. Cooking time: 28 min. Oven temperature: 5.

• Marli: Ingredients: salt, chicken, cake, lettuce, tomatoes, lemons, cookies. Directions: put all of it on turkey. Cooking time: 5 mins. Oven temperature 4.

• Lily: Ingredients: pumpkins, blueberries, chicken, pizza, lemonade, peanut butter, jelly, pancakes. Directions: Stir it, put in a pan with a spoon. Cooking time: 5 mins. Oven temperature: 5.

• Elliott: Ingredients: salt, chicken, peanut butter, jelly, butter, apple juice, orange juice. Directions: stir together, put in a pail. Cooking time: 6 minutes. Oven temperature: 7.