East Central Community College: Nationally recognized, locally preferred

Published 11:00 pm Sunday, February 28, 2016

DECATUR – As a result of its 2020 Vision strategic planning process adopted in 2013, East Central Community College has a long-term desire to be nationally recognized and locally preferred, with a priority of meeting the educational and training needs of all residents of the college’s district.

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 ECCC has realized many accomplishments and much growth in the past year that are ensuring it is indeed nationally recognized and locally preferred. Among the accomplishments and growth include:

•  Several initiatives implemented as part of ECCC’s 2020 Vision strategic planning process resulted in the largest graduating class in the college’s 87-year history in May 2015, including a 62 percent increase over the 2013-14 academic year in the number of students earning the two-year pre-baccalaureate associate of arts or associate of science degree, and an overall 36 percent one-year increase in students completing all programs, including pre-baccalaureate degrees, technical degrees, and certificates. Another large graduating class is anticipated in May.

• East Central is in the Top 100 in the nation among Associate Degree Producers for Native Americans by Community College Week.

• For the second consecutive year, students who transferred from East Central Community College to four-year institutions earned the highest cumulative grade-point average of all community college transfers in the state of Mississippi. Students who transferred from ECCC to one of the state’s eight public, four-year institutions earned a 3.22 GPA, according to data released from the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning. The report also showed that community college transfer students performed academically as well or better in university courses than students who began their education at the senior institutions.

• For the third consecutive year, East Central Community College was included in the list of Top 50 Fastest Growing Community Colleges in the United States, according to Community College Week.

• ECCC was named a military friendly school for the fourth straight year by Victory Media, and also passed a new admissions policy to offer in-state tuition to all veterans.

• East Central ranks No. 9 in the nation in most affordable small college hospitality degrees by besthospitalitydegrees.com.

• The annual Community College Performance Profile, or Report Card, as required by the state of Mississippi, once again gave ECCC high marks in several areas that were above the state averages. East Central achieved elite status in the area of student success, particularly excelling in the areas of overall graduation rates and preparing students to transfer to four-year institutions. Overall student retention within for-credit programs, the number of students served in workforce training activities, the number of students experiencing increases in wages after training from East Central, and the number of GEDs awarded were other areas in which ECCC continued to be a leader.

• The college’s women’s softball team finished No. 2 in the nation following the spring 2015 season, and East Central was the only community college in Mississippi with all of its fall 2015 sports teams making the state playoffs. The Warrior football team won the 2015 C.H.A.M.P.S. Heart of Texas Bowl in December in Copperas Cove, Texas.

• New paving, sidewalk and lighting improvements made to South Campus, thanks in part to grant funding provided through the Mississippi Department of Transportation, were dedicated in fall 2015. Those improvements not only made the campus more aesthetically pleasing, but improved safety for students living and attending classes on the South Campus.

• Students returned to campus in August 2015 to two newly renovated male dormitories, Newsome Hall and Todd Hall. The renovations included new flooring, furniture, lighting, restroom facilities, and heating and air conditioning, among other improvements. Common spaces also were updated with new furniture and large-screen televisions. The $2.1 million cost of the renovations was funded by state of Mississippi bond funds.

• East Central Community College officially became a tobacco-free campus on Jan. 1. The tobacco-free policy is just one part of a 2020 Vision action plan to promote student and employee wellness initiatives that create a culture of health and wellness on campus.

• ECCC also began a two-semester pilot of a four-day class schedule beginning with the spring 2016 academic semester. College officials believe the four-day class schedule contributed to the significant 15 percent increase in the number of regular admission, or “new to East Central,” students for the spring 2016 term as compared to spring 2015. Students and faculty will be surveyed at the end of both the spring and fall semesters in order to evaluate the pilot in terms of its intended purpose, which is to enhance student success and teaching and learning. Students are in classes Monday through Thursday. Fridays are a time for students to participate in learning activities outside of the classroom and visit with faculty in their offices. The college also is offering a variety of professional development opportunities for faculty and staff on Fridays.

• The college currently is working with architects on an update to its campus Master Plan to ensure that campus physical resources are used in the most effective and efficient means as opportunities for growth are explored and to provide the best learning environment possible for students.

• ECCC hopes to soon break ground on a new three-story women’s dormitory on the South Campus that will be located adjacent to Barber Hall, the college’s newest women’s dormitory. This is a much-needed on-campus living option as there is a waiting list each semester of female students who wish to reside on campus.

• East Central also is in the final planning stages for the construction of eight new, lighted tennis courts to serve the men’s and women’s tennis teams, as well as the campus and local communities.

 Students interested in attending East Central Community College should contact the Office of Student Services at 1-877-GO-2-ECCC or go2ec@eccc.edu. Or, visit www.eccc.edu