Citizens help to keep Key Field airmen safe

Published 9:30 am Friday, May 15, 2020

“Service Before Self” is one of three tenants of the Air Force Core Values. There are two citizens who are not in the military, but are serving with their time and talents to help keep the men and women of the 186th Air Refueling Wing at Key Field Air National Guard Base in Meridian safe.

Donna Cleveland, who is the wife of Master Sgt. Lucas Cleveland with the 186th Maintenance Squadron, and Louisette Smarada, mother-in-law of the 186th ARW Safety Officer, Lt. Col. Sam DeGeneres, have made more than 300 masks in the past few weeks for the airmen at Key Field.

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In Decatur, Donn Cleveland, her mother, aunt and two daughters have worked steadily for weeks to make face masks and scrub hats. They originally made them for health care and grocery workers. After that order was filled, Cleveland reached out to Cody Perkins, 186th ARW Airman, Family and Readiness coordinator, to see if there was a need.

With the implementation of the new safety guidance that the Department of Defense and Air Force issued, all individuals on military installations, property and facilities are required to wear face masks when they cannot maintain 6 feet of distance in the workplace.

“So far, we’ve sent over 200 masks to the base and are making that many more,” Cleveland said. “I feel like it’s an honor and I appreciate the military and their sacrifice for us.

“Making masks for them is just a tiny token of my appreciation.”

Smarada, who lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, felt the need to help out when the pandemic began, so she started sewing masks for her family and neighbors. Lt. Col. DeGeneres knew that the airmen at the base would be required to wear them, so he asked his mother-in-law to send a few to Key Field.

“I was delighted to be able to supply them,” Smarda said. “Like I told him, it really made me feel of service to the country in a small way.”

In all, Smarda has sewn around 100 masks for the airmen at Key Field.

“We are extremely thankful to Mrs. Cleveland and Mrs. Smarada for their time and efforts to make face masks for our Airmen,” said Col. Ed Evans, 186th Air Refueling Wing commander. “These ladies are making a difference, and are truly helping our Airmen continue their mission – healthy and well!”