Chunky River Raft Race & Festival set for June 1
Published 6:15 pm Thursday, May 9, 2019
- File photoChunky Shoals Fish Camp will host the annual Chunky River Raft Race & Festival at 9 a.m on June 1. The race will begin at Chunky Shoals Fish Camp, located at 13221 Highway 80 West in Chunky and end at Point Road.
Chunky Shoals Fish Camp will host the annual Chunky River Raft Race & Festival at 9 a.m on June 1. The race will begin at Chunky Shoals Fish Camp, located at 13221 Highway 80 West in Chunky and end at Point Road.
“Once again this year we are beyond excited to put together this amazing community event,” Rick Lewis, co- owner of the Chunky Shoals Fish Camp said in a news release. “It is always our goal to have the festival grow each year and this year it will be bigger than ever before.”
Many events will be held, including a 5K charity float, rubber duck race and the river raft race. With the continued theme of Rafting Rocks, the day will be filled with arts, crafts, food and loads of family fun. A grand prize trophy and $200 will be awarded to the most creative and innovative raft. First, second and third place trophies will be awarded for each class in the race.
All proceeds from the charity float and the rubber duck race will benefit the Alzheimer’s Association of Mississippi.
Alzheimer’s Mississippi provides care and support for Mississippians affected by Alzheimer’s disease while advancing statewide research in pursuit of a cure. They provide vital services and support to individuals, caregivers and families in all 82 counties in Mississippi.
Alzheimer’s is the most common type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior. Symptoms usually develop slowly and get worse over time, becoming severe enough to interfere with daily tasks.
“Funds raised by Alzheimer’s Mississippi stay in Mississippi,” said Lewis. “We love that they support local Alzheimer’s Support Groups that have become a place of learning and relief for caregivers.”
The Alzheimer’s Association is the world’s leading health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research, and their vision is to have a world without Alzheimer’s disease. They work on global, national and local levels to enhance care and support for all who are affected.
For more information on Alzeimer’s disease, visit
Boats will not be provided for the event. For rental information, contact Stuckey Bridge Kayak online at or call 601-481-4210.
For more information on the race, visit or call 601-655-8311.