Anderson Regional Cancer Center first center in the United States to treat cancer patients using RayStation and TomoTherapy® Treatment Delivery System

Published 12:45 pm Thursday, March 7, 2019

Anderson Regional Cancer Center in Meridian has treated its first patient using the combination of RaySearch’s treatment planning system (TPS) RayStation, and Accuray Incorporated’s TomoTherapy® Treatment Delivery System.

This is the first-ever treatment in the U.S. using the two technologies, according to a news release. 

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Anderson Regional Cancer Center first began using RayStation in 2013 with its conventional linear accelerators which provided significant benefits for workflow and patient treatments.

The center then added the TomoTherapy System, a highly advanced radiation treatment. Anderson has worked with RaySearch and Accuray to join the technologies and is now using RayStation for all radiation treatment planning, which is providing substantial gains in efficiency. 

The first treatment combining RayStation and TomoTherapy System at Anderson Regional Cancer Center was successfully administered to treat a prostate cancer patient. Moving forward, the center plans to use this combination of TPS and radiation treatment delivery system to also treat cancers of the breast, lung, and head and neck.

“We have watched these progressive companies develop through the years, and we are all very excited to be at this juncture,” Dr. Scott Anderson, Radiation Oncologist and Medical Director, said in the news release. “Integrating RayStation planning for multiple accelerator platforms enables us to fully embrace the TomoTherapy System’s advantages. The future of our patients certainly looks brighter with the ability to unify these developments.”

John Anderson, President and CEO of Anderson Regional Health System, said, “The Anderson Regional Cancer Center team is continually researching new technologies and advanced medical procedures that will benefit our patients. It took many years and a high level of expertise to bring this collaboration to fruition. We are grateful to Dr. Anderson, Dr. Caleb Dulaney, Paul King, and the entire radiation oncology team for their dedication to increasing quality of life for patients.”