Airmen honored with awards

Published 8:30 am Friday, April 30, 2010

    Two airmen with the 186th Air Refueling Wing and two with the 238th Air Support Operations Squadron of the Mississippi Air National Guard stationed at Key Field were recognized Wednesday night during the Meridian Air Force Association (AFA) meeting held annually at Northwood Country Club in Meridian.

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    Those airmen represent the cream of the crop of the personnel who make up the air guard units at the G.V. “Sonny” Montgomery National Guard Complex. But as Maj. Gen. William “Bill” Freeman, who is the adjutant general for the Mississippi National Guard, said during his speech to the AFA members, all of the men and women at the base have shown tremendous service to their country and the local area.

    The two honorees from the 186th ARW were Sr. Mstr. Sgt. Billy Barnett, who was awarded the Senior NCO of the Year plaque, and Senior Master Sgt. Rodger Goodwin, who was recognized as First Sergeant of the Year. On the 238th ASOS side the two airmen were Senior Airman Thomas Beyette, who was voted the Senior Airmen of the Year, and NCO of the Year recipient, Tech. Sgt. Matthew Jackson.

    Barnett is the Contracting Superintendent for the 186th ARW. In the past year, Barnett has managed more than $6 million in total contracts, including $5 million of requirements for Project Liberty and more than $750,000 in credit card purchases. Barnett was also selected as Senior NCO of the year for the State of Mississippi and will compete at the national level for the 12 outstanding airmen of the year.

    Goodwin is the First Sergeant for the 186th Air Refueling Wing Headquarters. As First Sergeant for the wing, he is a vital link between the wing commander, enlisted personnel, and support agencies. He serves as advisor to the commander on personnel programs, career progression, family needs, professional military education, recognition programs, and fitness program. Goodwin is President of the Wing First Sergeant Council providing the Wing and State Command Chief a venue for squadron level First Sergeants to communicate issues concerning the Airmen of the 186th Air Refueling Wing and the 238th Air Support Operations Squadron. Goodwin was also selected as the First Sergeant of the Year for the State of Mississippi and will compete at the National level for Air Force First Sergeant of the Year.

    Jackson is a Joint Tactical Air Controller Supervisor for the 238th Air Support Operations Squadron. Jackson has twice served overseas in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2004 and Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan in 2007. During each tour Jackson was awarded Army Commendation Medals for his excellent duty to ground commanders and units he was assigned. Jackson was also recognized by the U.S. Army Joint Fires School as a superior instructor and expert in the use of Joint Fires Observers.

    Beyette, who is currently serving in Afghanistan, is an assistant Operations Trainer for the 238th Air Support Operations Squadron. A registered nurse, Beyette graduated Basic Military Training as an Honor Graduate and received the Fitness Excellence Award. Beyette deployed to Afghanistan from June to December 2008. During this deployment, Beyette was engaged with multiple offensive and supportive missions. During these missions, he was part of a two man tactical team providing close air support and controlled multiple aircraft platforms. Beyette was awarded the Army Commendation Medal and the NATO medal for his actions during this deployment. Beyette is the most junior member of the 238th ever to become a fully qualified Joint Terminal Attack Controller.