EMCC Phi Theta Kappa chapters earn recognition
Published 9:45 am Wednesday, April 27, 2022
- Members of East Mississippi Community College’s Phi Theta Kappa chapters on the Scooba and Golden Triangle campuses who attended PTK’s international convention in Denver, Colorado are, from left, Lindsey Younger (GT), Peyton Dawkins (Scooba), Chase Fry (GT), Cameron Boone (Scooba), Bryce Miller (GT), and Seth Givens (GT). They were accompanied by Scott Baine, far right, a PTK advisor on EMCC’s Golden Triangle campus who was awarded the Paragon Award for New Advisors.
Achievements by East Mississippi Community College’s Phi Theta Kappa chapters on the Scooba and Golden Triangle campuses were announced during the Mississippi/Louisiana Region Awards Gala 2022, which was streamed virtually.
Both the Eta Upsilon chapter at the college’s Scooba campus and the Beta Iota Zeta chapter on the Golden Triangle campus were named Five Star Chapters by Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society. The Five Star Designation marks the highest level of achievement by a PTK chapter.
In addition, both chapters were named REACH chapters for excelling in membership development.
Horizon Awards are given to chapter advisors who have served their region well. Scooba campus PTK advisors Janet Briggs and Derrick Conner garnered MS/LA Horizon Advisor Awards, as did Golden Triangle campus PTK advisors Scott Baine and Kelly Cantrell.
“This is very humbling,” Cantrell said of the award.
Baine was also awarded the Paragon Award for New Advisors by Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society, which is reserved for those advisors who make significant contributions to the growth of individual members, serve as the chapter’s advocate on campus and encourage the chapter’s involvement in the local, regional and international levels of PTK.
Baine was presented his award at Catalyst 2022, PTK’s international convention that took place April 7-9 in Denver, Colorado, which he attended along with Phi Theta Kappa members from EMCC’s Golden Triangle and Scooba campuses.
“I was so excited to receive the award,” Baine said.
The Eta Upsilon chapter also took home a sixth-place finish in the MS/LA Hallmark Project Award at the Mississippi/Louisiana Region Awards Gala. PTK students in the Eta Upsilon chapter wrote thank you notes and performed acts of kindness for all faculty and staff members on campus in “The Gratitude Project.” The chapter also earned an Honors in Action Distinguished Theme Award.
“I am really proud of what our students achieved this year,” Briggs said. “They did an exceptional job and represented EMCC well as members of Phi Theta Kappa.”
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society members Lindsey Younger, a student on EMCC’s Golden Triangle campus, and Morgan Moody, who attends school on the college’s Scooba campus, were named to the 2022 Order of the Golden Key. For the Order of the Golden Key, chapter advisors recognize a chapter member who embodies the areas of scholarship, leadership, service and fellowship.
Both Moody and Younger are members of the 2022 All-Mississippi Academic Team, as are EMCC students Kayla Nelson and Laura MacLellan.
Phi Theta Kappa is the world’s largest honor society for students enrolled in two-year-colleges.
Phi Theta Kappa 2022 officers for the Eta Upsilon chapter on the Scooba campus are: Cameron Boone, president; Chloe Godwin and Jadasha Harrison, vice presidents of scholarship; Peyton Dawkins and Sarah Martin, vice presidents of service; Collin Paul and Kaitlyn Stubbs, vice presidents of leadership; Jakyeia Anderson, vice president of fellowship; Celeste Study, vice president of membership; Kade Brand and Noah Carpenter, vice presidents of career tech; and Trinity Nash, secretary.
The 2022 officers for the Beta Iota Zeta chapter on the Golden Triangle campus are: Lindsey Younger, president; Bryce Miller, vice president; Keelan Armstrong, recording secretary; Rubi Marquez, public relations secretary; and Zion Johnson, treasurer.