Worship Site Profile: Newton Presbyterian Church
Published 10:15 am Friday, February 3, 2017
- Paula Merritt / The Meridian StarNewton Presbyterian Sunday school classrooms are located in this house nextdoor to the church.
Newton Presbyterian Church, the oldest church building in Newton, sits on a hill in front of Newton City Hall.
The church was founded on Dec. 5, 1874 when several families residing at Newton Station and its vicinity desired to organize into a Presbyterian Church.
Rev. H.H. Barkley, an Evangelist, visited Newton on the fifth day of December 1874, and after public service to the Methodist Church – being assisted by Rev. Joseph Bardwell, S.J. Bingham, and Joseph Adams, ruling elders from Lawrence Church, proceeded to organize the church by enrolling the names of 17 members dismissed from other churches.
Elders Patrick Henry, J.W. Robb, S.M. Adams and Dr. M.H. Watkins were ordained and installed before the sermon at night. W.G. Woodbridge was elected deacon and installed after the sermon the same night. A session met in the Methodist Church where Samuel Adams was chosen clerk of the session, Dec. 5, 1874.
The first church was a residence built by Charley Burns on the south side of the I.C. Railroad. In 1892, the Presbyterian bought the old Catholic Church, on the lot where the present church is located. They later sold the frame house and during the ministry of Rev. R.E. Fulton (1904-1906) the present church was built. The goal for a Sunday school annex began to take shape near the close of the 1944-45 church year, and in 1947 the annex was completed in honor of Lt. James Sidney Burns, the only World War II casualty from the Newton Presbyterian Church.
Church facts:
Name: Newton Presbyterian Church.
Interim Pastor: Dr. Charles Douglas.
Denomination: PCA-Presbyterian Church of America.
Address: 202 East Church St., Newton, MS 39345.
Church Info: (601) 683-3617.
Sunday Services:
Sunday School – 10 a.m.
Morning Worship – 11 a.m. (this begins with ringing of the original church bell).
Weekly Programs:
Sunday church services, Bedford Care Ministry.
Special Annual Events:
At Christmas, we play holiday music throughout town over a loud speaker in the old bell tower.
Upcoming Events: Ladies luncheon March 1, noon-1 p.m. at our Fellowship house.
Cheryl Owens coordinates Worship Site Profile, which is published Saturdays in The Meridian Star. Recommend your worship site to cowens@themeridianstar.com.