Worship Site Profile: New Hope Baptist Church
Published 9:15 am Friday, July 6, 2018
- Photo by Paula Merritt / The Meridian StarNew Hope Baptist Church is located at 6573 Hwy. 145, Meridian, MS 39301.
New Hope Baptist Church is located about eight miles South of Meridian in the Clarkdale area. The church is serving one another and sharing the love of Christ with the community to impact lives for the glory of God.
New Hope is a growing body of believers comprised of all ages and recently added several staff members. The current Senior pastor is Rev. Douglas Goodman. Other staff includes Minister of Music Steven Holifield, Associate Pastor of Missions Wayne Polk and Associate Pastor of Youth and Families Kyle Crenshaw.
New Hope is blessed with an engaged congregation and many individuals who serve the Lord with their gifts and abilities. New Hope believes in Ephesians 3:20-21 as God has continued to demonstrate this truth in this body of believers: “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.” NIV
New Hope was founded in 1847 and originally met in North Clarke County in a log cabin building west of the current Clarkdale School. Around 1865 the congregation moved to Lauderdale County to New Hope School, which was directly across from the current church location. After building a new church building in the late 1800s, and again in 1911 at this same general location, Pastor Deb Stennis led the church to move across the newly constructed Highway 45 into a more modern facility in 1950. That decision and the investment of those that made up New Hope at that time is one that would guide us for years to come. This 1950s sanctuary building has been remodeled and added to many times, but the basic structure is still being used today for worship. There are still a few members that remember that move almost 70 years ago.
Now 171 years after the church was originally founded, it is expanding again. Beginning in 2015 after many years of needing additional room in facilities and parking, this body of believers began to pray that God would expand our territory and give us the necessary room to meet the growing needs of the church. In 2016, the church purchased an additional nine acres of property to be used for access and additional parking. In October of 2017 after almost two years of prayer and planning for the future by the church’s Vision Building Team, a groundbreaking ceremony was held to begin construction on this new phase in the life of New Hope.
New Hope is now constructing the largest expansion and remodel in the history of the church and includes connecting two main buildings, a new children’s wing, additional adult education space, new dining and kitchen facility, a lobby area, and remodeling in the existing building. This expansion has been called the Vision 2020 Building Plan and is being funded by sacrificial giving and financial support of those that call New Hope home. Construction is moving forward with a dedication service and open house is planned in the fall when the building is completed.
While the building construction is an exciting time for our church, the most energizing is watching individuals of all ages be saved and transformed by the gospel. Our purpose and mission is to help individuals and families find fulfillment in Christ, disciple them in the truths of God’s word, and unite them together as a people to touch the world with the greatest message ever told. This month New Hope’s Go Team will be heading to Guatemala for nine days to minister to and share the gospel there. The church expanded several local ministries to impact those in the community. This is an exciting time for New Hope.
Comments from the pastor:
It is such a blessing to serve with this body of believers at New Hope. I have one of the best jobs anywhere because I have the privilege of serving the Lord at a church that I know very well. I grew up at New Hope, was saved as a young teenager here, began to raise a family and was then called to ministry. After serving at other locations, the Lord and this body called me back here to serve as their pastor. What a joy it has been to watch God move and lead us onto his agenda. May His Spirit guide us and lead us to be the people He has called and enabled us to be. My prayer is found in Psalms 90:17. May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us – yes, establish the work of our hands. We are in a summer sermon series called Victorious Living from the book of Joshua. Come to visit us.
About the church:
Name: New Hope Baptist Church.
Pastor: Doug Goodman, 3 1/2 years.
Denomination: Baptist.
Founded: 1847.
Address: 6573 Hwy. 145, Meridian, MS 39301.
Contact Info: 601-693-4490 or newhope145gmail.com or Facebook.
Members: Sunday morning worship average is 280. Sunday sorning life groups average is 180.
Service Times: Sunday life groups, 9:30 a.m.; Worship service at 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Weekly Programs: In addition to the Sunday services, New Hope has services on Wednesday night at 6:30 which includes prayer and Bible study for adults, youth worship and Bible study, and children’s choir and Bible study. There are various ministries taking place at other times at various times that anyone can join.
Special events coming up: Guatemala Mission Trip, Serving in Love Out Loud, Revival in Oct. with Evangelist Bob Pitman, and Dedication of the new facility in the fall.
Worship Site Profile is published Saturday in The Meridian Star and coordinated by Cheryl Owens. Recommend your site to cowens@themeridianstar.com.