Worship Site Profile: Cornerstone Church

Published 9:30 am Friday, July 20, 2018

Cornerstone is a family church, and we work hard to be a place where anyone can come and never feel like an outcast. The body of believers here allow the ministry to flow – on a personal as well as church level – from our five basic statements:

• We are Disciples of Jesus.

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• We are Servants of the Church and the Community.

• We are Pentecostal (Spirit-Filled).

• We are Kingdom Minded.

• We are Family.

Our church is based on the word of God and the principle that the most effective discipleship we can do is through individual love. We are a revival. It’s not an event, it’s a lifestyle. One person wakes up, and they wake up another, who wakes up another. We do have ministries and programs, and events, but we don’t rely on those things to live out discipleship.

Ministry here includes traditional ministry, like music and preaching, teaching and media, as well as things like dance and recovery, deliverance and ministry to the poor, food and clothing, women’s and men’s ministry, pre-k, kids, preteens and teens, mission work and Bible Study, all of those among others.

We just want to be ministers of reconciliation, rising up to answer the call and leading others to rise up, too.

Church Name: Cornerstone Church.

Pastor: Todd Tilghman. On staff since 1996, pastor since 2011.

Denomination: Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee).

Address: 6102 Hwy. 39 N, Meridian.

Service Times: 10:30 a.m. Sundays, 6 p.m. Wednesdays.

Contact Info: riseupmeridian.com, facebook.com/riseupmeridisn.

Weekly Programs: Youth, kids, pre-teens, prayer, monthly men’s breakfast.

When was the church founded: Unsure.

How many members: 150-200 in regular attendance.

Is there an annual event special to your church? Love the Verb, Resurrection Picnic, Men’s Crawfish Boil, Women’s Retreat, VBS.

Worship Site Profile appears Saturday in The Meridian Star and is coordinated by Cheryl Owens. Recommend your site to cowens@themeridianstar.com.