Cedar Grove Baptist Church celebrates 100th anniversary service
Published 9:15 am Thursday, November 7, 2019
- Cheryl Owens / The Meridian StarCedar Grove Baptist Church in Newton County, 2548 Cedar Grove Road, Newton.
Cedar Grove Baptist Church will celebrate its 100th anniversary service on Sunday, Nov. 10 with the theme “Celebrating God’s Faithfulness.”
Sunday School will begin at 10 a.m. with morning services at 11 a.m. with guest speaker Max Barton.
There will be specials from past and present members, history presentations, and testimonies of what God has done over the last 100 years. The church will also be honoring every past pastor and recognizing their family members in attendance.
After the morning service, there will be dinner and fellowship in the Fellowship Hall, where there will be pictures and artifacts from the last 100 years on display. Also, each family in attendance will receive a gift and copy of our church history book.
History of the church:
The church was organized in 1919 with 17 men and women presenting their letters for membership.
They would meet once a month in the Cedar Grove School building. The school closed in 1935, but they continued to meet in that building until a new one was started in 1947.
In July of 1920, church members voted to join Mt. Pisgah Association and the General Association. In August 1929, electric lights were added to the original building. August 1947, the church started having Sunday School and in September of 1947, a building committee and finance committee were appointed to see about building a new church. Construction took place over a period of time.
For example, the tile for the floor was not purchased until 1963 and money was borrowed from a bank to purchase pews. This building was used as a sanctuary until 1998 and is currently used as offices and classrooms.
In 1973, the church members voted to build a baptistry and two restrooms. Summer of 1984 the first Vacation Bible School was held. This year’s Bible School was probably the largest ever with more than 90 children attending each night and more than 40 teachers and workers present.
In 1986, a new Fellowship Hall was built. The original one was attached to the back of the church. It was long and narrow and attached to the sanctuary. It was converted into two Sunday School rooms.
In 1988, a cemetery was built. In 1998, Lillie Mae McGee’s old home was donated to the church to be used as a parsonage.
On June 6, 1999, the dedication service for the new sanctuary was held with Bro. Malcolm Lewis delivering the message. Renovation to the old sanctuary began shortly thereafter to convert it into classrooms and offices.
The first youth pastor, Bro. James Galloway, was called in 1999. In August 2002, was the first year for AWANA. On June 27, 2010, a dedication service for a new fellowship hall was held.
The church has had 17 pastors with one of them serving twice. Three of them served over 15 years each: Bro. W.E. Butler, Bro. Orman May, and Bro. Steve Robinson.
Until the 1980s many worship services only had about 30 in attendance. Growth began under Bro. Orman May’s guidance and continued with Bro. Steve Robinson. The church is continuing to flourish under the pastorate of Bro. Ryan Cozart.
About the church:
Name: Cedar Grove Baptist Church.
Pastor: Ryan Cozart, October 2016 to present.
Denomination: Baptist.
Founded: November 1919.
Address: 2548 Cedar Grove Road, Newton.
Members: Currently Cedar Grove has 150 members.
Contact info: Ryan Cozart, 314-780-1355 – ryanmcozart@gmail.com.
Service Times:
Sunday School – 10 a.m.; Sunday Worship – 11 a.m.; Sunday Evening – 6 p.m.
Wednesday Awana (for seniors in high school down to 2-years-old) – 6:30 p.m.; Adult prayer and Bible study – 7 p.m.
Special upcoming events:
100th anniversary Sunday, Nov. 10, – 11 a.m.
Annual events special to your church:
Spring, Fall, and Winter Revivals; Vacation Bible School in July; Family Enrichment Conference in Feb.; Awana Kickoff Party in Aug.; Fourth of July Fireworks Celebration; Stew cooking and Hayride in Oct.; Christmas Caroling in Dec. Also, throughout the year our teenagers attend youth camp and youth conference, our ladies attend ladies conferenced, and our men will attend a mens conference.
Cheryl Owens coordinates Worship Site and Ministry Profiles. To submit ideas, email cowens@themeridianstar.com.