Excellence in Education
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 9, 2019
- Cerda-Marin
• STARKVILLE — Bridgette (Brie) Cerda-Marin of Enterprise was among 21 students enrolled in the Rural Medical & Science Scholars program at Mississippi State University.
The four-week summer program encourages high school students to pursue health or science careers in rural areas of the state. MSU Extension directs the program with financial assistance from MSU College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Health Promotion, State Office of Rural Health/Mississippi State Department of Health, Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance, Anderson Hospital, CREATE/Toyota Wellspring Foundation and the Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians Foundation.
• HATTIESBURG — The following Meridian residents were named to the University of Southern Mississippi’s President’s and Dean’s lists for the 2019 summer semester.
Ashley Michelle Craven, Me’Lisa C Malone and Virginia A Pressly were named to the President’s List. The President’s List includes full-time students who earned a perfect 4.0 grade point average (all As). Dean’s List:
Ashlynn Noel Carlson,Wanda Faye Clark, Nakita Darcell Davis, Natalie B Herlong and Emily Polk were named to the Dean’s List. Dean’s List scholars are those with at least a 3.5 grade point average, but less than a 4.0.
RAYMOND — The following area residents were among 572 Hinds Community College graduates during summer exercises: Alexander Lanier and Lula Rhone-Hudgins, both of Meridian; Kayley Melton of Lake; Raheem Gillespie, Jataquist Sherrod and Raven Stewart, all of Macon; Keoko Evans and Marquise Fielder, both of Newton; Mary Andrade of Quitman; and Chanda Davis, Byron Hawthorne and Christopher Morgan, all of Waynesboro.
TUSCALOOSA, Ala. The following area residents were among 1,450 degree recipients the University of Alabama awarded during its summer commencement: Rebecca Elizabeth Holman, bachelor of science in nursing, and Kristy Machelle Truitt, master of social work — both of Meridian, Mississippi; Bilal Ameir Ahmad of Marion, Mississippi, bachelor of arts; Bradley Allen Clark, bachelor of science in mechanical engineering, and Jhett C. Nordan, bachelor of science in commerce & business administration — both of Gilbertown; and Shundreka Deatrice Croom of Cuba, master of social work;
HARRISONBURG, Va. — Collinsville, Mississippi, residents Silas Clymer, Abigail Shelly and Allison Shelly were named to the Spring 2019 Dean’s List at Eastern Mennonite University.
The Dean’s List, compiled at the end of each term, includes degree-seeking students who achieve a semester GPA of at least 3.75 with no withdrawn, incomplete, or failing grades for 12 semester hours of standard grades.
• CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO (06/21/2019)– Linton Byrd of Collinsville, MS, is among Southeast Missouri State University’s spring 2019 graduates.
Byrd graduated with a Master of Science with a major in criminal justice: criminal justice administration option .
NORTHFIELD, Minn. — Sarah Johnson of Meridian, Mississippi, graduated from Carleton College during summer commencement exercises. Johnson studied English and earned a bachelor of Aarts degree .
Johnson was among 459 to graduate with the Carleton Class of 2019.
TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — Morgan Ross of Meridian, Mississippi. was recognized by The University of Alabama’s Randall Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award Program in spring 2019. The title of the student’s research project was “Novel Non-contact Thermal Mechanical Loading of Ultrahigh Temperature Ceramics.”
The Randall Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award Program recognizes the best research activity conducted by undergraduate students at UA. Undergraduate students who have conducted scholarly research are nominated by faculty and staff research directors. The recipients and their nominators are recognized at a luncheon during UA’s Honors Week. The program is in UA’s Honors College.
In 1997, the Randall Publishing Co. and the H. Pettus Randall III family created the Randall Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award Program in memory of Henry Pettus Randall Jr., a distinguished UA alumnus and creator of Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges.
UA research faculty members and past winners of the Burnum Distinguished Faculty Award select the winners.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Caleigh Smith of Butler was among the 1,519 students named to the Samford University’s 2019 spring semester Dean’s List.
To qualify for the dean’s list, a student must have earned a minimum 3.5 grade point average out of a possible 4.0 while attempting at least 12 credit hours of coursework. Dean’s List is the highest academic recognition given by the school at the end of each semester.
Caleigh Smith is majoring in pre-pharmacy curric-undeclared.