Worship Site Profile: Arkadelphia Baptist Church

Published 9:15 am Friday, January 5, 2018

Arkadelphia Baptist Church was established in 1858 by a group of believers who God had called out to be salt and light in a world that desperately needs to see Him. That group consisted of Baptist, Presbyterian and Methodist as we know today.

It was relocated on a hill above Girthie Springs, which in itself, has a rich history of struggle and survival for all who lived in this community. Many families in this community, five miles north of Bailey, had ancestors in that early call of God.

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1948 was a year of rebuilding for Arkadelphia from a one-room church to a new sanctuary and four Sunday School rooms. Builders were selected and used lumber was donated by church members. Local farms were visited and trees selected, cut and delivered to Rogers Sawmill for processing. Chicken yards were also a blessing and fried chicken dinners were sold at the building site to help finance this God led project.

Today we as the Arkadelphia Family pray that God leads us to make a “positive difference” in a world that is still struggling. We meet to worship our Lord and everyone is invited.

About the church:

Name: Arkadelphia Baptist Church.

Pastor: Donald Gentry – two years.

Denomination: Southern Baptist.

Founded: 1858.

Members: 300.

Address: 5450 Arkadelphia Road, Bailey, MS 39320.

Contact info: Church office at 737-2013. Pastor’s home at 601-479-7242.

Service Times:

Sunday School – 10 a.m., morning worship – 11 a.m.

Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal – 6 p.m.

Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting – 7 p.m.

Weekly Programs:

Youth Music/Drama and Interpretive Dance, RA’s & GA’s – Wednesday at 6:45 p.m.

Special upcoming events:

Blue Grass Gospel Concert featuring Allen Sibley and the Magnolia Ramblers on Sunday, January 14, at 6 p.m.

Annual event special to our church:

Arkadelphia Homecoming is celebrated the third Sunday in August. Vacation Bible School each summer is also a special event for all ages.