No beauty queens in politics until now

Published 2:11 am Saturday, March 8, 2025

I don’t know about you, but over the years  I’ve seen some ugly women on the political trail and many more on Capitol Hill  — reminds me of a sign in front of a hair salon: “If we can’t fix you up, you ugly.”


Well, they were ugly alright, but things have changed. I mean some pretty faces have appeared as of lately.

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Over the years, I would be walk through the TV room. Hubs was asleep in the recliner, and the picture on the screen drew me in like a cyclone. There was this ole gal testifying at an important meeting, who was a perfect candidate for a “make-over of the century.” Sort of scary, it was.


I thought I had seen plenty of terrible hair-dos but this one, not even a mama could love. And she was a great example of being short and stout, but she certainly wasn’t a teapot.


I noticed the name tag and she was a “Ms.” Uh-huh.


Oh my, I am being brutal, but honest. I’m thinking of all the great ways to pep-up her looks. Like brushing her hair, working on those bushy eyebrows, applying foundation makeup and maybe lip gloss. I’m sorry I can’t remember a word she said. I was so in shock.


Maybe she was brilliant and I missed it?


Then I turned my attention to the female elected official asking the questions. Eeeeek!


One thing for sure, neither one arrived to their position by using their looks.


Then I thought about not-so-cute women in the political world from bygone days: Eleanor Roosevelt, Mamie Eisenhower, Lady Bird Johnson and a few more recent ones. Oh yes, to even it out and make it easier on the eyes, there was Jackie Kennedy and today probably the most beautiful and classy of them all, Melania Trump. These days, also you will find Tulsi Gabbard, Kristi Noem, Karoline Leavitt and a bunch of others, rather refreshing.


From a few years back the political hob-nobbers of the female variety must have had an assistant or secretary or staff who could have advised them about such things as foo-fooing their hair, applying makeup or for Pete’s sake, coordinating a nice outfit.


I never got a look at the shoes. I was overwhelmed with all of the other, couldn’t take any more.


I had almost caught my breath when I saw the national news and a female presidential candidate skipped across the stage. You know the one. She made Hillary look almost pretty.


Oh, I know, “looks isn’t everything,” someone stupid once said. But I must add this little news-flash. No one will ever get a foot through the door, especially women, without a little foo-foo and a well-used hair brush.


But back then I suppose the political ladies heard me, because I’ve noticed they’ve cut back on the  highbrow words and applied more blush.


Back then Hubs and I had  to rely on Westminster Kennel Dog Show for pretty faces, because those cuties knew how to strut across the stage and be a winner without saying a word, but today, we have hope.


Anne McKee is executive director at Meridian Railroad Museum.