Worship Site Profile: Grace Fellowship Baptist Church

Published 12:17 pm Friday, May 5, 2017

Grace Fellowship Baptist Church had it’s beginning in the early 1990s when a number of like-minded Southern Baptists decided that they needed to start a new church based on the ideals of forgiveness reflected in its church motto, “Where Love is Genuine, Forgiveness is Real and All Imperfect Persons are Welcome.”

In its early days, GFBC met in several rented facilities around Meridian. For a number of years, the Seventh Day Adventist graciously allowed GFBC to meet in their church on North Hills Street. Grace Fellowship began construction of its own facility in the spring of 2005 and after a slight setback by Hurricane Katrina held its first full service in the new facility in June, 2006.

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The basic tenets that guide the church are the belief in the soul competency of the individual, priesthood of the believer, and the autonomy of the church.

Although affiliated with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Grace Fellowship maintains autonomy and is governed by a congregationally selected Church Council. The Body of Deacons serve as the mission and benevolent directors of the Church. In addition to worldwide missions, Grace Fellowship also supports local mission efforts including L.O.V.E.’s Kitchen, Habitat for Humanity, Good News Ministry and the Lauderdale County Baptist Crisis Closet.

Our worship services are traditional and are broadcast on a one-week delayed basis over WMOX 1010 at 9 a.m. each Sunday. A video of each week’s sermon is placed on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/GraceFellowshipBCMeridian and our YouTube channel (grace fellowship baptist church). Visit us at either site or better still, come and worship with us and feel the fellowship.

About the church:

Name: Grace Fellowship Baptist Church.

Pastor: Currently searching.

Past Pastors: Wayne Riley – 7 years; Rev. Leon Ballard – 7 years.

Denomination: Affiliated with Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.

How many members: 45.

Founded: Charted in December 1994.

Contact info:  Moderator – John Watts, 601-483-5097; Search Committee Chair – David Stevens, 601-693-2234.

Address: 7330 MS-493, P.O. Box 3238, Meridian, MS 39305.

Service Times:

Sunday Bible Study – 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m.

Wednesday Fellowship Supper – 5:30 p.m., Prayer Meeting – 6:30 p.m.

Annual events special to our church:

Anniversary Celebration each year – third Sunday in January.

Easter Sunrise Service and Pancake Breakfast.

Church Picnic – May.

Worship Site Profile appears Saturdays in The Meridian Star and is coordinated by Cheryl Owens. Recommend your site to cowens@themeridianstar.com.