Grant named Home Health Aide of the Year

Published 5:00 am Sunday, July 2, 2023

The Mississippi Association for Home Care on Friday named Meridian’s Ruby Grant as the recipient of the Home Health Aide of the Year Award.

Grant, who works with Deaconess HomeCare Meridian, has dedicated 29 years to helping others. She goes above and beyond while acknowledging her patients as family. Grant is often complimented by state surveyors and JCAHO auditors on the care she provides.

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The Home Health Aide of the Year award is one of MAHC’s most prestigious awards. The award recognizes the value of the home health aide to the home care industry and to the patients that they serve. Home health aides are the backbone of the home health care delivery system and are vital to patient care.

The Mississippi Association for Home Care is a non-profit membership organization dedicated to operating for the benefit of member home health agencies, home heath related agencies and the benefit of the public in fostering and maintaining high standards of home health care.