City looks to rebuild Frank Cochran Center

Published 3:30 pm Monday, June 5, 2023

The City of Meridian is looking to breathe new life into its largest event space with plans to revive the Frank Cochran Center.

The 16,184-square-foot multi-purpose building was closed in December 2019 after a fire damaged part of the structure. The city’s largest convention space with a seating capacity of 2,000, the Frank Cochran Center is primarily used for rentals and special events.

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A new roof, new electrical and mechanical systems, a multi-purpose room that can be divided into separate rooms, and a modernized external façade will be among the amenities of the new center. Other features included a dropped ceiling, new lobbies and bathrooms, luxury vinyl tile flooring, new walling and other improvements.

Additionally, Meridian Parks and Recreations Department offices will be located in the Center.

The City Council approved hiring local architectural firm Davis Purdy Architects to lead the redesign of the center last year, with digital renderings being presented to the city, along with bid documents, last month.

The project is currently being advertised for bids.

The roughly $3 million project is being paid for from a variety of sources, including about $800,000 from insurance from the fire and $1 million from the recent $5 million bond issue for parks and recreation improvements.

The city has also received a $1.2 million Capital Improvements Revolving loan, which is a low interest loan program available through the Mississippi Development Authority to help counties and municipalities make capital improvements.

Construction of the new facility is scheduled to begin later this summer with the project completed by mid-2024.