Lamar’s Clayton wins DYW title

Published 8:38 am Monday, February 26, 2024

Maddie Clayton, a student at Lamar School and local musical theater performer, took home the title Saturday night as Distinguished Young Woman of Lauderdale County for 2025.

Clayton, the daughter of Jason and Danielle Clayton, won the overall talent award with her performance of “Don’t Rain on My Parade.” She also won the self expression award and alternate fitness award.

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“I’m very thankful for this experience. I have learned so much about being my best self and the importance of keeping up with what is going on in the world,” said Clayton, a junior at Lamar.

During the program, held at Meridian Community College’s McCain Theater, participants were evaluated in the areas of scholastics, interview, talent, self-expression and fitness.

Chosen as first alternate was Madeline Bass, the daughter of Stephen and Amy Bass and also a student at Lamar School. Bass won the alternate self expression award and the “Be Your Best Self” essay award.

Ashlan Williams, the daughter of Joey and Karen Williams and a student at West Lauderdale High School, was named second alternate. She won the scholastic award.

Ashley Purvis, the daughter of Mike and Ann Carol Purvis and a homeschool student, won the alternate talent award, playing “Rhapsody Brillante” on the piano.

Anna Hughes, the daughter of Michael and Elisa Hughes and a homeschool student, won the overall fitness award.

Calleigh Chaudron, the daughter of Trey and Evelyn Chaudron and a student at West Lauderdale, won the Spirit of DYW award.

Also participating in the program was Haley Graham, the daughter of Dennis and Brandie Graham and a student at West Lauderdale High School.

Representing Lauderdale County, Clayton will go on to compete in the Distinguished Young Women of Mississippi program to be held at the Evangel Temple this summer. The Distinguished Young Women of Mississippi program is part of a national scholarship program that promotes and rewards scholastics, leadership and talent in young women.

“I’m excited to represent Lauderdale County,” Clayton said. “For anyone that is thinking about participating in next year’s program, I would highly encourage it.”