Neshoba County moving ahead with new stadium

Published 5:15 pm Thursday, October 11, 2018

Chairs with backs will be one of many features in a new stadium planned for Neshoba Central High School.

During a school board meeting Monday, the Neshoba County School District voted to begin construction of a new stadium. Lundy Brantley, district superintendent, said contractors will begin the demolition process after this football season is over. 

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The new stadium will cost around $1.4 million and will serve be used by athletic teams and the school band, Brantley said. According to a news release, the home seats of the stadium will increase from 1,800 to 2,600, with 220 chair-back seats. Brantley also said the current visitors side will be the new home side, with a press box and seating for 800.

“We are so proud of seeing the stadium come to fruition for our kids and community,” Brantley said.

Brantley said the stadium will be the last building at the school that will updated. Brantley said the district is in the process of working with the construction company to get the process started. D&H Construction and Cabinetry Inc. was awarded the $1,386,000 contract over several other bidders.

Brantley said the new stadium is expected to be completed by May 2019 and will be funded by a $64,000 bond and remainder from the district’s savings. The total project is funded in part by a $23.4 million bond approved by voters in August, 2015, which included a new high school among other projects.