North Hills Street study funded by $3.5M RAISE grant underway

Published 2:18 pm Thursday, February 13, 2025

Work is underway to determine the most efficient and effective approach to alleviate traffic congestion at the North Hills Street corridor.


The engineering firm Neel-Schaffer and its sister company, Maptech have begun survey work along the 6.7-mile corridor. Additionally, they are incorporating drones to capture videos and photographs to analyze traffic at key points and intersections across the corridor during peak traffic times.

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“Updated survey information and these photos and videos are crucial to compiling the current conditions that will be used to determine the best solutions to our congestion issues,” Meridian Director of Public Works David Hodge said.


The team hopes the study will provide answers to the following questions:

— Why do we experience traffic congestion?

— When does it occur?

— What are the worst areas?

— What are the solutions?

— Do we need to widen the road again in more areas? Add more turn lanes? Add more traffic signals?


The study is possible due to a $3.5 million FY 2023 RAISE grant awarded to the City of Meridian by the U.S. Department of Transportation.


“This highly competitive grant is 100% federally funded, no funds needed from the City of Meridian, and will help us answer all those questions and develop solutions,” Hodge said.


Phase I of the RAISE Grant, the planning and environmental linkage study, is scheduled for completion by fall.


“This phase, along with input from the community and stakeholders, will help us develop solutions,” Hodge said. “This will allow the development of preliminary construction plans and help determine any environmental issues along the corridor.”


The team has targeted Fall 2026 to have environmental documents approved and construction plans completed for the recommended changes.