Ring in the New Year with sober driving

Published 4:14 pm Monday, December 30, 2024

JACKSON — 2025 is almost here, and the Mississippi Department of Transportation is announcing its New Year’s resolution: No driving under the influence.


“Celebrating the New Year should be a joyous time with friends and family, but all too often, it can turn tragic when someone decides to drink and drive,” said MDOT Executive Director Brad White. “Prioritize the safety of yourself and others by never driving impaired. Always have a plan for a safe and sober ride home.”

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According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 13,524 people were killed in an alcohol-impaired driving crash in 2022, which is one-third of all driving fatalities. Drunk driving deaths are preventable.



To enjoy a safe and responsible holiday, MDOT recommends the following tips:


— Plan ahead and designate a sober driver before the party starts.


— If you are impaired, call a taxi, transportation service, sober friend or family member.


— If you see someone who is about to drive under the influence, take their keys and help them make other arrangements to get home.


— If you suspect someone is driving impaired, call law enforcement.


— Avoid all distractions and keep your eyes on the road. Pay attention to other drivers who may not be as safe as you.


— Buckle up. Wearing your seatbelt is a free, easy and effective way to save lives and reduce serious injuries in the event of a crash.



To keep motorists safe as they approach New Year’s Day 2025, MDOT has suspended all interstate and highway construction until Thursday, Jan. 2. This work suspension provides maximum travel capacity and minimal construction delays for holiday travelers. Drivers should be aware that some lane closures will remain in place to protect the traveling public, and they should be treated as an active work zone.


For more safety tips this holiday season, visit GoMDOT.com/drivesmartms.