Letter to the Editor: Vote on Nov. 5
Published 12:00 am Saturday, September 14, 2024
- Generic Letter to the Editor
I want to speak to the people of Alabama and Mississippi to join me in a grassroots campaign to unite us to stand for America.
Let me explain. The grass that’s growing in the ground is what people would call the ground level. The American taxpayers that live in small towns or big cities are at the ground level of our congress. We the people are the grassroots of the political makeup of our country.
Paul Revere saw the light in the church steeple, one light meant invasion by land, two lights by sea. America is being invaded by the people from South America in record numbers. We need to close the border.
Today I am warning America, inflation, high gas prices, high interest rates and higher food costs at the grocery store have decreased our overall economy.
I am calling all Americans to join the grassroots campaign, to plead for your support for Donald J. Trump for President.
I am calling on all Americans — waiters, waitresses, farmers, store managers, truck drivers, hotel and motel clerks maids, janitors, short order cooks, cashiers, teachers, principals, coaches, construction workers, carpenters, poll workers, small business owners, self employed law care workers, oilfield workers, milk farmers, coal miners in Alabama and Kentucky, steel workers — all over the United States to join in a united front to make America great again by voting on Nov. 5, 2024, for Donald J. Trump.
I am a retired blue collar worker who started out with $1.25/hour job as a core drill operator helper. I urge you to go to the polls and vote on Nov. 5.
Douglas R. Harden