Frank Neville takes on Millsaps challenge
Published 12:00 am Sunday, September 1, 2024
Write about Millsaps he said. But the fascinating story about Millsaps College right now is him, the new president.
Frank Neville had athletic offers from major colleges, but none would let him play multiple sports. He chose Carleton College, a small liberal arts college in Northfield, Minnesota, where he could play three sports – football, baseball and basketball. However, his basketball career as a five-foot-ten center never got off the ground.
Instead he found himself on the track team … as a hammer thrower his senior year. “I only broke the cage once,” he said of his new sport. Through hard work he got good enough to qualify for his conference championship “and did not come in last.”
This story depicts a young man of purpose and determination. These attributes remained evident in his higher education career, as the scope and complexity of his responsibilities burgeoned.
After 15 years traveling the world in the Foreign Service, Neville in 2004 chose a more settled career. He joined the staff at Thunderbird, The Garvin School of International Management, then a 1,500 student private school in Glendale, Arizona. Ángel Cabrera arrived as president that same year. It didn’t take Dr. Cabrera long to discover Neville’s talent, promoting him to chief of staff. Cabrera’s career took off; he became president of George Mason University in 2012 and Georgia Tech in 2019. With each promotion, he brought Neville along as his chief of staff.
From small college functionary to major research university executive, Neville’s career afforded him an extraordinary breadth of experience. At Georgia Tech, Senior Vice President of Strategic Initiatives was added to his title and responsibilities as Chief of Staff.
Millsaps trustees saw unique potential in Neville despite his lack of a Ph.D. He earned an MBA at the Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University, the successor to his earlier employer.
“Frank Neville distinguished himself throughout the selection process with a combination of experience, skills, and innovative thinking,” said Board Chair John Lindsey.
Two months on the job and he has already honed the college’s focus on enrollment growth with specific recruitment targets and activities that enhance retention. And he already envisions Millsaps playing a key role in the revitalization of midtown Jackson, the area between Fondren and Fortification Street. He draws on his Georgia Tech experience in development of Tech Square that revitalized the area around the university’s campus in midtown Atlanta.
At his earlier stops, Neville said it was his job to develop highly competent executive teams, but he will not have to at Millsaps.
“I am very pleased that I have inherited a very good team,” he said.
Neville impressed a large group of alumni last month, coming across as a well-spoken, in-charge, knowledgeable, and committed leader. In a one-on-one interview, he came across as intelligent, likeable, sincere, and fully committed to upbuilding Millsaps.
Crawford is a syndicated columnist from Jackson.