Embracing a new mission
Published 10:03 am Wednesday, November 9, 2022
- Submitted photoRandall Sims
Tears and the presence of The Holy Spirit filled the sanctuary of GracePointe Church Oct. 16, as the congregation gathered for its final service at the Hwy. 39 location in Meridian.
I had been the pastor at GracePointe for the last eight years. Eight, as Bible students are aware, is representative of new beginnings. After many years, and much prayer,
God had now begun the process of propelling us into the divine future that He has planned. GracePointe has now become a “church without walls.”
We are still together. We are still a family. We are still a church. The difference is that we no longer limit ourselves to meeting at one specific location. Rather than being a “come ye” church, we are a “go ye” church, (Matt. 28:19).
You might find us assembling in a town plaza, park, parking lot, sports arena, or perhaps on the streets feeding & clothing those in need.
Last Sunday, we joined forces with Pastors Sarita Rainey and Johnny Smith at Gospel Lighthouse Church on 23rd Ave.
Both congregations listened attentively as I preached about the impending revival fire that is soon to fall on those who will ask for it and make themselves ready to receive it.
On Sunday, Nov. 13, we will be partnering with Pastor Anita Hall and the congregation at Maranatha Fellowship Church on John C. Stennis Drive where once again, the subject of my sermon will be, “Revival!”
GracePointe has “busted out” of its traditional four walls. And, God has quickly transitioned me from “pastor” to “revivalist.”
In the coming year, I will be travelling the country – as God opens doors – working with pastors, congregations, and community leaders in a campaign to stir up the gift (of the Holy Spirit) that is within all believers (2 Timothy 1:6.)
My wife, Dianne, and I feel that we have been in training to become “Kingdom Builders” our entire lives. People, both the churched and the unchurched, need Jesus today more than ever. We are running out of time and the world is not becoming a friendlier place.
What I see going on with the people of the earth right now is extreme famine. Most don’t even realize it, but they are starving for the “Bread of Life” (John 6:35), and thirsting for “Living Water” (John 4:10).
As a revivalist and kingdom builder, it is my job to remind them of – or introduce them to – the One who can provide both of those. As my friend Sandra Hancock often says on her television program, Voice Of Hope, “It’s getting to the point where the only options are gonna be ‘Jesus’ or ‘Jesus!’”
For more details or for booking information, reach out to me on FaceBook (@RandallSimsRevivalist), or Instagram (@christlifenow).