East Central Community College Surgical Technology graduates

Published 2:30 pm Monday, December 23, 2019

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Graduates of East Central Community College’s Surgical Technology program received special recognition during the annual pinning ceremony held Dec. 12 on the campus in Decatur. Students who completed the 12-month program and their hometowns included (front row, from left) Rebecca Gunter of Philadelphia, Ragan Barrett of Philadelphia, Shey Nichols of Newton, and Brooklyn Walker of Louisville; (second row, from left) Kyndall Staats of Philadelphia, Tiffany Hardin of Louisville, and Katlyn Jackson of Conehatta; (third row, from left) Katie Sanders of Carthage and Meagan Barnhart of Florence; and (fourth row, from left) Nanette Lane of Ackerman, Chuck Glover of Decatur, and Bracklin Bufkin of Pulaski. 

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