GUEST VIEW: Community Foundation sets record with over $1M in grants

Published 9:45 am Thursday, September 19, 2019

It’s been a big year for the Community Foundation of East Mississippi.

A record in grants awarded is a reason for celebration! In 2019, CFEM has given more than $1 million in grants to the East Mississippi community. Tremendous community spirit and the generosity of the people of East Mississippi are responsible for the record level grants we’ve been able to award this year!”

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Helping people invest in their community is the mission of the Community Foundation. The Community Foundation brings together people who care with causes that matter; CFEM is really a reflection of our community. Earlier this year, the Community Foundation of East Mississippi was honored to be designated by the Mississippi Business Journal as a top nonprofit in Mississippi.

Now is a great time to get involved and start participating at the Community Foundation because of a bill that recently passed the Mississippi Legislature. CFEM worked with other community foundations in the state to get a bill passed in the Mississippi House and Senate offering a state tax credit for donations to endowments at the Community Foundation. Started this year as an incentive for those willing to invest in their community, the tax credit is available annually until 2023 for gifts ranging from $1,000 to $200,000. A limited amount of credits is available each year. Anyone can apply for the tax credit by contacting the Community Foundation at 601-696-3035. Information can also be found on the website at

The Community Foundation receives donations from the general public to funds held for a variety of purposes. These funds serve community needs ranging from educational services and scholarships to disaster relief. There are funds designated for local charities like United Way of East Mississippi and the Boys and Girls Club, and funds that support art and educational enrichment like the Meridian Museum of Art, the MS Arts + Entertainment Experience, and the Meridian Symphony Association. There are also competitive grants whose funds accept applications from local charitable organizations serving needs of the community. Planet Playground was a large and successful project this year that created a community space accessible to everyone including disabled citizens. CFEM is also proud to support the Allie Cat Run and Festival in memory of Allie Carruth which supports organ donation and gives a scholarship and grants to local organizations. CFEM is here to help with emerging needs of the community.

Disaster Relief has been a significant part of the work done this year. CFEM is granting funds for repair of homes in Meridian damaged by a tornado in 2018 and also, currently granting funds for repairs to flooded homes in Clarke County. Both disasters are still in need of additional donations for repairs to homes of people who were uninsured and often elderly, disabled, or veterans, and all of whom are unable to recover on their own.

The Community Foundation is active in Neshoba, Newton, Kemper, Clarke, and Lauderdale counties. Neshoba county residents have a large education fund raised by that community to support that community and are now working to create a new endowment called the Neshoba Positive Impact Fund for unmet needs in the county. People of Clarke county have just set up a new endowment, the Clarke County Foundation for Tomorrow, for the future of Clarke county. Any person or group in East Mississippi can be involved in donating to or setting up a fund to address a need in their community. It’s not the size of the donation that is important. Our strength comes from joining together as a community to make a difference.

Grants currently accepting applications will result in awards of $16,500 before the end of the year. For more information and to download an application go to the website at

The difference CFEM is able to make in the community is due to a community of concerned citizens looking for ways to make this a better place for all of us to live. It’s our hope that this is the trend for the future and that next year we can have an even larger impact! Congratulations East Mississippi and thank you for your record setting generosity!

 Leigh Thomas is executive director of the Community Foundation of East Mississippi.