League of Women Voters re-established in East Mississippi
Published 4:30 pm Saturday, April 6, 2019
- Bill Graham / The Meridian StarThe League of Women Voters-East Central Mississippi is a newly-chartered branch of the League of Women Voters of the United States, an organization founded in 1920 that encourages participation in government.
A group focusing on voter education and registration has been re-established in Meridian.
The League of Women Voters-East Central Mississippi is a newly-chartered branch of the League of Women Voters of the United States, an organization founded in 1920 that encourages participation in government.
According to its website, the league seeks to achieve solutions in the public interest on key issues at all levels of government, build citizen participation in the democratic process and engage communities in promoting positive solutions to public policy issues through education and advocacy.
The group is nonpartisan and membership is open to men and women.
Meridian had a local league several decades ago, according to Becky Glover, who co-chairs the new chapter with Debbie Ford.
“We don’t distribute any candidate material at all,” said Glover. “We don’t endorse or oppose candidates or parties.”
The organization plans to hold voter registration drives, candidate forums, and programs on important policy issues, such as education.
“One of my dreams is to have what I call ’no-spin’ discussions,” Ford said.
For more information, contact Ford or Glover at LWVECM@gmail.com.