Lauderdale County computer system damaged by water; special instructions for absentee voters

Published 6:45 pm Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Lauderdale County IT department had water damage Wednesday, inhibiting county functions for the Tax Collector’s office, the Circuit Clerk’s office and more.

Circuit Clerk Donna Jill Johnson reached out to media asking to spread the word since the Circuit Clerk’s office would need more information from absentee voters.

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Voters with an excuse to miss the Nov. 6 election day, such as work during the 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. polling hours or a surgery, can vote via absentee ballot. 

Johnson said voters looking to submit an absentee ballot must bring a photo ID as well as their voter registration card.

Chris Lafferty, the County Administrator, couldn’t be reached to explain the details of the water damage to the system, how it would be unavailable for and whether any information had been lost. 

The deadline to vote via absentee, according to the Secretary of State’s office, is Nov. 3 in-person or by Nov. 5 by mail.