Worship Site Profile: First Methodist Protestant Church of Newton

Published 7:45 am Friday, October 13, 2017

On Sept. 24, 1965, a group interested in organizing an independent church, met at The Roxy Theatre for morning worship services. The Rev. Billy Gerald of the Methodist Protestant Church brought the message. Several laymen from the Forest Methodist Protestant Church made comments. That night representative from the independent Methodist Church brought the message. On Sept. 29 after much discussion of the pros and cons, the group of 49 members voted to become the First Methodist Protestant Church of Newton. The group voted to have Rev. Ben B. Gerald of Forest hold services at 9 a.m. each Sunday with Sunday School to follow.

The First Methodist Protestant Church of Newton was officially organized on Oct. 4, 1965, and until August 1968 worshipped in the Veterans of Foreign Wars Hut (once used as the town teen center) on Decatur St. With donations from the local banks the meeting room was air-conditioned. Members cleaned, painted, and repaired the building to make ready for services. Then work began in earnest – with bake sales, rummage sales, car washes, personal donations, and donations from friends – a building fund was begun.

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In July 1966, the congregation purchased approximately three acres of land located between the Highway 80 By-Pass and Highway 80 City Route. On Oct. 15, 1967, the congregation voted to proceed with the church building program on the purchased land. On Oct. 29, groundbreaking services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. Ben B. Gerald. The completed church dedication ceremonies were held on Sept. 8, 1968.

Rev. H.O. Carmichael became the first full-time pastor on June 22, 1969. Bro. Carmichael, his wife, Leslie, and their children: Valelda, Dewayne, and Henry moved into a small rented house. April 1971 the church voted to build a parsonage. The parsonage was constructed under the direction of Bro. Carmichael using volunteer labor and was ready for occupancy in April of 1972.

On June 11, 1995, the Family Life Building was completed. The Family Life Building was named the Carmichael in June of 1999.

Since the organization of the Newton Methodist Protestant Church in 1965, four ministers, and two interim ministers have served the congregation as pastors.

Current pastor, Bro. David Lane, and his wife, Janis, who arrived in July of 2015, state their desire to share the Good News daily wherever they go. Jesus changed their lives and they want to testify to that change wherever and whenever they have the opportunity. They know what it’s like to hurt, be confused, and undone. They now know the joy, peace, and mercy of Jesus. That is what the world needs, and that’s what they are about as they minister at the Methodist Protestant Church of Newton.

About the church:

Name: First Methodist Protestant Church of Newton.

Pastor: David Lane – 2 years.

Denomination: Methodist Protestant.

Founded: Oct. 4, 1965.

Members: Average attendance 50.

Address: 8381 Highway 80, Newton, MS 39345.

Contact Info: Pastor David Lane, 601-663-6057 or Jerry (Buster) Bounds, Lay Leader, 601-934-9281.

Service Times:

Sunday – Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., all ages – Worship 11 a.m.

Bible Study, 6 p.m. Youth, 6 p.m.

Special upcoming events:

Dr. John Neihof, Wesley Biblical Seminary, will be the guest speaker Sunday, Nov. 5 for the 11 a.m. service. Potluck to follow.

Annual events special to our church:

Welcome reception and pounding for the pastor.

Christmas program and reception.

Worship Site Profile is published Saturdays in The Meridian Star and is coordinated by Cheryl Owens. Recommend your site to cowens@themeridianstar.com.