Worship Site Profile: Prospect Presbyterian Church

Published 9:07 am Friday, July 21, 2017

Prospect Presbyterian Church was organized on May 28, 1887, with Dr. J. L. Cooper as the first pastor. The founding members included the Covington, Bailey, Buntin and Bishop families.

The church, which burned in a fire in 1935, has had three locations and five buildings through the years. Frank Johnson donated the property on which the present building is located.

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The present sanctuary (seats 100) was built in 1955 with the educational building and fellowship hall added in 1964. A cemetery was secured in 1958 behind the church.

On May 31, 1987, the church celebrated its centennial with Gov. William Winter giving the address.

A pavilion built in memory of Joseph, Catherine, and Cherry Covington was dedicated on May 19, 2002.

The church has had 34 pastors who have guided Prospect in its faithful worship and witness in Meridian. 

Prospect Presbyterian Church is within the Presbytery of Mississippi serving churches from Meridian to the coast. Rachel Covington is the Clerk of Session. 

Dr. Tom Sikes is the current pastor who began on May 8, 2017. He is married to the former Page Arrington of Meridian and has three adult children and two grandchildren. He received his degrees from Oxford College of Emory University, University of Georgia and Columbia Theological Seminary in Atlanta.

He served Trinity Presbyterian Church in Meridian from 1988-1994. Then he was the founding pastor at Grace Chapel Presbyterian Church in Madison from 1994-2001. He served First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) from 2001-2014. He is the founder of Missionscape Outreach providing media and mission trips.

Prospect Presbyterian Church and Missioncape have partnered to offer outreach to our community as we live between the church and culture.

“If you are looking for a small church with a big heart, then Prospect might be what you are seeking,” Sikes said. “Come and hold an old hymnal, smell the glue within its pages and sing the old favorites with gusto to the glory of God with our faithful choir led by Loretta Hoffer. We are living between a long history and an exciting future!”

Sikes said his favorite scripture is the story of Philip in Acts 8:26-40 on the wilderness road in between faith and life. Likewise, we all live in between, in transition and that is exactly where God lives too! Nowhere is also “now here.”

“We provide traditional Reformed liturgical worship with a conversational style of sharing the hope of Jesus Christ,” Sikes said. “The preaching is uplifting and encouraging, the people are sincere and humble, and the church is growing in members and mission.

“In this place, the weary will find rest, the lonely will find friendship; the saddened, comfort; the fearful, courage; the discouraged, hope; the weak, strength; and the strong, discipline.”

Prospect offers the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We also provide weddings for couples who are looking for an intimate and sacred setting. 

“Each member is called to discover their mission fields at home, at work, school and beyond. We are called to be the gospel, do the gospel and tell the gospel (In that order!),” Sikes said.

Tom Sikes has four books available on Amazon and other online booksellers: Hush in the Rush, Wind Chimes, Welcome Home, and Get Up and Go See Road in Between Shows and Hush in the Rush Spots on YOUTUBE (TOM SIKES) and Missioncape.com.

About the church:

Name: Prospect Presbyterian Church (USA).

Pastor: Dr. Tom Sikes.

Denomination: Presbyterian Church (USA).

Members: 60 and growing.

Founded: May 28, 1887.

Contact Info: Dr. Tom Sikes 601-771-0185 (church) or ProspectPC.org or Prospect Presbyterian Church on Facebook.

Address: 7876 Poplar Springs Drive, Meridian, MS 39305. (Near Plant the Earth Garden Center.

Service Times:

Sunday School: 10 a.m., Worship Service 11 a.m.

Third Wednesday night Family Night Supper: 7 p.m.

Special upcoming events:

Fish Fry July 30 at 6 p.m. and Homecoming this Fall.

Our Mission Partners: L.O.V.E.’s Kitchen; Care Lodge; Habitat for Humanity;  Wesley House;  American Red Cross;  Living Waters for the World;  Brazil Water Cisterns;  Missionscape Outreach; Special Olympics.

Cheryl Owens coordinates the Worship Site Profile, which publishes Saturdays in The Meridian Star. Recommend your site to cowens@themeridianstar.com.