Worship Site Profile: First Baptist Church Meridian
Published 4:04 pm Friday, March 10, 2017
- Photos by Bill Graham / The Meridian StarA side view of First Baptist Church Meridian.
Tracing the beginnings of First Baptist Church of Meridian involves delving into the birth of Lauderdale County.
Lauderdale County, named for Col. James Lauderdale, emerged in December 1833. In its infancy, families moved here and churches began to spring up. In July of 1839, Oakey Valley Baptist Church — the first name of First Baptist Church of Meridian — was among those to form with the early settlers of the new county. The church began its mission in the Bonita area, near the south end of the reservoir. That location was near where the entrance of Willow Ridge Apartments off Highway 19 is today.
The first pastor of the church, Elder W.P. Carter, also served as a state senator.
Historic roots
Due to the growth of the congregation, the elders of the church decided to relocate to the hub of the area — the City of Meridian. They chose a plot of land near the present McLemore Cemetery on Fifth Street. The cemetery was named after the first settler of Meridian, Richard McLemore. From 1856-1859, the church was led by Elder N.L. Clarke, whose namesake later became Clarke College in nearby Newton.
In 1859, the church changed its name to Meridian Baptist Church.
After the Civil War, the church moved to its current location on 26th Avenue, which was then Mississippi Street. At this location, the church has occupied four different houses of worship.
Church members and volunteers moved the first building from nearby Marion to downtown Meridian. In 1871, a two-story brick building with a steeple and bell tower was constructed. But it didn’t last long, as a fire destroyed the church in 1892. Church members quickly recovered. Before the end of 1892, a new one-story structure, also with a bell tower, was built.
After the new church structure was complete, the name was changed to First Baptist Church. Additions were made to the building between its initial construction until 1948. During that year, construction began on a new education building, which members occupied on Mother’s Day 1949.
Church Facts
• Name: First Baptist Church.
• Founded: 1839.
• Pastor: Dr. Raymon Leake, 21 years.
• Denomination: Baptist.
• Address: 701 26th Avenue, Meridian, MS 39301.
• Contact: (601) 484-4600.
• www.fbcmeridian.org.
Weekly schedule
Sunday: 8:45 a.m. – FBC Coffee Café ; 9:15 a.m. – Sunday School ; 10:30 a.m. – Morning Worship ; 3 p.m. – Acteens ; 4 p.m. – Youth Handbells ; 5 p.m. – Youth Choir; 5:30 p.m. – Youth Snack Supper & Bible Drills ; 6 p.m. – Evening Worship; Children’s Bible Skills & Drills; Preschool Movers & Shakers.
Tuesday: 7 a.m. – Prayer Group.
Wednesday: 8:15 a.m. – English as a Second Language; 4:30 p.m. – English as a Second Language; 5:30 p.m. – Family Night Supper; Children’s Handbells; 6 p.m. – Preschool/Children’s Choir ; 6:30 p.m. – Prayer Meeting . Bible Studies , R.As, G.A.s, Mission Friends, Youth Ministry; 7:30 p.m. – Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal.
Thursday: Noon – GriefShare.
Special events coming up:
• Symphony of Praise (Sanctuary choir program) April 30.
• Maundy Thursday Service April 13.
Cheryl Owens coordinates the Worship Site Profile, which appears each Saturday in The Meridian Star. Recommend your site by emailing cowens@themeridianstar.com.