Pine Hill Volunteer Fire Dept. receives ladder truck

Published 5:00 am Sunday, August 24, 2014

      Today, the Alabama Forestry Commission (AFC) presented a 2002 fire engine ladder truck to the Pine Hill Volunteer Fire Department (VFD) in Wilcox County. This equipment will greatly enhance the Pine Hill VFD’s capabilities to provide emergency services to the citizens of Pine Hill, as well as support existing local industries and others that may choose to locate in this area.

    A determining factor in the decision to donate the truck to this particular fire department is the fact that it provides primary emergency response coverage to Golden Dragon Copper Plant as well as the International Paper Company mill in Pine Hill.

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     The truck, with an original acquisition cost listed as $464,594, was acquired by the AFC through the Department of Defense’s Federal Firefighter Property (FFP) program.

     The mission of the Alabama Forestry Commission is to protect and sustain Alabama’s forest resources using professionally applied stewardship principals and education, ensuring that the state’s forests contribute to abundant timber and wildlife, clean air and water, and a healthy economy. To learn more about the AFC or locate the nearest county office, visit